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  2. Introduction to Rate Management : Version 7

Introduction to Rate Management : Version 7

ASI PMS offers very detail and compressive yet easy to use rate management. Following are few highlighted features ASI PMS offer for Rate Management.


  • Define any number of Rate Types. 

  • Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly Rate Type frequency.

  • Rate Binding with RACK by Percentage (%) or Amount ($).

  • Room Type (Category) Binding with Base Room Type.

  • Rate calendar to manage normal and seasonal rates.

  • Yield Management, to automatic increase or decrease rates based on occupancy

    Rate Type Master

    To Add / Edit / Delete any Rate Code please login to ASI PMS Configuration and then Go to Rate Type button under Configuration tab of side menu.

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Try it:

Use Search filter on top-left corner on the screen 4

Ingeneral,we will have unique Rate Type for each reservation engine system is connected.For example, Internet is for hotel website reservation engine, CRS for SynXis, OTA for Booking.com, OTANR for Expedia etc. Ideally, Anand System steam will configure this part when hotel needs to connect with any new reservation service.

Add / Edit Rate Type

To add an ew RateType,please click dialog to configure new Rate Type.


Add Rate Type screen will allow user to setup Rate Type Short Name, Name, Description, Number of Days fields as well as setup Complementary or House Use property.


Days field can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly or Custom possible frequency. Monthly and 

Yearly frequency is very useful for extended stay or apartment property, where Monthly life cycle hit on the date it was applied and increasing number of months of folio will increase by that date.

Example: If a guest arrives on November 5th and rent a room on Monthly rate type then initial check-out date is December 5th and adding months to this will make check-outdate to January 5th, February 5th, March 5th and so on. Here, as you notice system will increase stay by month and not by 31 or 30 or 28 days.

Rate Binding is very important aspect of Rate Type setup, above screen shows left section of the screen allows user to bind Rate Type with RACK by Percentage(%) or Amount($) for Base / Extra Adult / Child / Pet etc. Rate binding makes it very easy to increase /decrease rate for all bound Rate Type because when user will update rate for RACK, system will update for all Rate Type which are bound by formula. Room Type Edit gives same dialog with options to change either filed or property based on user needs.

Room Type Binding

ASIPMS has option to configure one of the Room Type as Base Room Type andother types can be find with Base with pre-configured formula Percentage (%) or Amount ($).

To configure Room Type Binding, please login to ASI PMS Configuration and go to Room Type button under Property tab in side menu.




Please select Room Type from list you want to make Base Type and go to Edit in Action Section, this will allow user to make changes in any existing Room Type.


Once either one Room Type configured as Base Type, user can go to any other Room Type to setup binding formula for it with Base Type.


As above image shows, on left panel you can setup Binding Formula for Standard with DR

(Double Room) by Percentage (%) or Amount ($) as we have setup Double Room as Base Type in this example.

Here is how Room Type Screen will show when a property has configured Room Type Binding with appropriate formula.



Configuring Room Type Binding is optional feature and property can make decision if they want to use this feature or not. Infect property can do mix and match as well. So, there could be few Room Type has Binding setup while few can work independently.

Rate View

ASI PMS offers rate setup as Date & Room Type matrix. This will give flexibility to setup rate for each night and any property running seasonal rate structure can achieve season approach as well.

To go to Rate View user needs to login to ASI PMS and switch to Rate View go to Rate and Availability on left side of side panel.


User can switch to Rate View using Rate and Availability menu under the Side Panel menu, if user has required permission to View or Change rates.


Try it:

If user want to look at occupancy and Rate side-by-side to adjust Rates, please try Flash View with Show Rates option.

ASI BEES, allow user to change rate from Flash View and Forecasting screen as well, when user will click on either cell of Occupancy % or ADR column.


Above screen shows Rate View, which will show two weeks of rates from selected date. Weekend shows with Red color while any binding rates are showing in Blue color. User can not make updates in cell with Blue since it has binding formula setup and when RACK will be changed this rate will be updated automatically.


Above screen shows Rate View when user want to change Rate Type from Daily to any other. In this sample we have Best Available Rate Type selected but since it is bound with RACK all cells are in Blue and top-left side of the screen shows binding formula with Daily.

In case, user want to turn-off Room Type binding for any specific time it can be done using

roomtypebtnbutton on left side.

Change Rate

If user wish to change rate for any specific date, just click on that date and room type cell in Rate View and system will allow user to make required changes in rate.


If user wish to change rate for long period, e.g. full month or specific period or change rate for each week-end around the year etc. then best place to do such thing is Range Rate Operation  which will allow user to setup new rate or increase or decrease rate by percentage or amount.

You can do that by clicking on rangeratebtnbutton below Room Type Binding Button on left side.