1. Video Guide
  2. ASI FrontDesk (Version 6)

Performing a Night Audit: Version 6

The night audit process is essential for ensuring that daily records are accurate, complete, and ready for the next business day. Here’s how to conduct the night audit in 6 versions of our system.

Version 6: Night Audit Process:

  1. Navigate to the Audit Tab: Access the Audit section from the main menu.
  2. Select the New Day Icon: Click on the New Day icon to initiate the audit.
  3. Check for Pending Check-Outs: Confirm that all guests due to check-out have been processed. There should be zero guests pending from the previous day.
  4. Click the New Day Button: Start the audit by clicking the New Day button.
  5. Confirmation Message: Once completed, the system will display a confirmation message, indicating the audit’s success.

    Night Audit 6

This process may take a few moments, so please ensure all prior steps have been completed to avoid any interruptions. With these clear instructions, performing your night audit can be simple and efficient, no matter which version you are using. For any further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team!

Using Version 7? Refer here: Performing a Night Audit (Version 7)